media=MIDI name=<Debussy, Claude - 'Reflections on the Water' from 'Images', Book 1> cmd=<midiaudio md=<MIDI> db=<midis> stringref=<Debussy, Claude - 'Reflections on the Water' from 'Images', Boo>> wait=0
media=PIC name=<BIRDS: A Java pigeon's wings are short and wide for quick takeoff and ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<BIRDS: A Java pigeon's wings are short and wide for quick takeoff and ...>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<FOSSILS: This fossil fly was trapped in resin that oozed from a tree ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<FOSSILS: This fossil fly was trapped in resin that oozed from a tree ...>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<DRAGONFLY: The dragonfly rests while its wings dry and expand.> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<DRAGONFLY: The dragonfly rests while its wings dry and expa>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<DUCK, GOOSE, AND SWAN: A Canada goose, with its mate nearby, wards off intruders and ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<DUCK, GOOSE, AND SWAN: A Canada goose, with its mate nearby, wards off intruders and ...>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<MAPLE: Maple trees have wings, or keys, growing in pairs, each bearing a ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<MAPLE: Maple trees have wings, or keys, growing in pairs, each bearing a ...>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<Some Gems Among the Butterflies> cmd=<picture tag=cie97 db=pictures md=PIC offset=21026483> wait=4
media=PIC name=<The herring gull lays its eggs in a hollow in the sand.> cmd=<picture tag=cie97 db=pictures md=PIC offset=16490408> wait=4
media=MIDI name=<Jazz trumpet example in the style popularized by Louis Armstrong> cmd=<midiaudio md=<MIDI> db=<midis> stringref=<Jazz trumpet example in the style popularized by Louis Armstr>> wait=0
media=PIC name=<AIRPLANE: The Piper Super Cub has a fixed landing gear.> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<AIRPLANE: The Piper Super Cub has a fixed landing gear>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<KITE FLYING: Kite flying is an ancient sport in Japan. Some kites are so large ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<KITE FLYING: Kite flying is an ancient sport in Japan. Some kites are so large ...>> wait=4
media=PIC name=<CATHEDRAL: High above the city of Paris are the chimeras of Notre Dame ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<CATHEDRAL: High above the city of Paris are the chimeras of Notre Dame .....>> wait=6
media=PIC name=<AIRPLANE: The United States Navy flying boat, the NC-4, made the first ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<AIRPLANE: The United States Navy flying boat, the NC-4, made the first ...>> wait=5
media=PIC name=<ARCHITECTURE: The palace at Versailles, in France, was built chiefly by Louis Le ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<ARCHITECTURE: The palace at Versailles, in France, was built chiefly by Louis Le ...>> wait=6
media=PIC name=<AUSTRALIA: The Sydney Opera House rises from Bennelong Point in ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<AUSTRALIA: The Sydney Opera House rises from Bennelong Point in ...>> wait=5
media=PIC name=<1970. American Boeing 747ùwas the first jumbo jet airplane to ...> cmd=<picture tag=cie97 db=pictures md=PIC offset=74970043> wait=6
media=MIDI name=<Jazz bass example in the style characteristic of Charles Mingus> cmd=<midiaudio md=<MIDI> db=<midis> stringref=<Jazz bass example in the style characteristic of Charles Min>> wait=0
media=UTTL name=<SCIENCE OF IMITATING> cmd=<usertitle pos=5 face=<Arial> size=-24 flags=1 border=2 textcolor=<16777215> backcolor=<4194432> bordercolor=<8421504> text=<The Science of
media=PIC name=<INVENTION: Although the airplane was not invented until the early 20th ...> cmd=<picture db=<pictures> md=<PIC> stringref=<INVENTION: Although the airplane was not invented until the early 20th ...>> wait=8
media=UTTL name=<Birds inspire> cmd=<usertitle pos=5 face=<Arial> size=-13 flags=1 border=8 textcolor=<8421504> backcolor=<16777045> bordercolor=<12632256> text=<Birds proved that flight was